Saturday, January 19, 2008

9 Reasons Why we are Against the Rock Concert Site (Summary of 28 Reasons)

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Phone – 856-696-2503

1. Proposed site is unable to handle the large traffic volume –
- residential/agricultural neighborhood with rural roads
- size of crowd is unpredictable even if ticket sales are limited, there is no guarantee that thousands more won’t show up trying to camp around the area to listen
- In addition, there will be a Nightmare Traffic Jam on Route 55 due to:
- Concert attendees
- Thunderbolt Raceway Grand opening
- Shore Traffic heading to and from for the weekend

2. Weather is unpredictable
- hot and dry conditions in August creates fire hazard
- if rains – impossible to park

3. East Vineland is major Farming Community
- creates complete disruption to farmers livelihood

4. East Vineland Properties will be devalued
- creates major difficulty for residents to sell their homes

5. Local Taxpayers will be burdened with the added expense incurred for EMT’s, Police and Firefighters
- promoter Melvin Benn’s track record shows that he has refused to pay in excess of $600,000 for direct costs associated with the Leeds, England festival.
- promoters have provided inconsistent information regarding the number of arrests, riots, injuries, deaths, damage to property as well as for paying all additional costs related to the event

6. East Vineland Residents should not have to endure major disruption
- we purchased property in the area because it is rural and for quite enjoyment
- promoter Melvin Benn indicated set-up would begin (6) weeks prior to event
- attendees will show up early to get a good location
- noise control regulations will be waived and music will continue through 3AM

7. Hospital Access will be severely impaired for local residents
- Sherman Ave. is a direct access road for both the hospital and concert site
- concert attendees who overindulge in alcohol/drugs or suffer injuries, heat stroke, etc. will need care

8. We were never consulted or involved with the planning of this event. It was made public after plans were already made without public input.

9. The Elwyn Institute (owner of the Menantico Colony – The Vineland Rock Concert site) is being motivated solely by a desire for monetary and/or material gain by selling our neighborhood out to a rock concert venue.